iOS / Android Mobile App | | | | |
Start with QR / Barcode Scanning | | | | |
Sorting Function | | | | |
Cargo to Vehicle Matching | | | | |
Adding Gift Note | | | | |
Tracking Loading Process | | | | |
Driver Check in – Check Out | | | | |
Vehicle Check List – Maintanance & Driver Management | OPT | OPT | | OPT |
Route Optimization – Manuel | | | | |
Route Optimization – Automatic | OPT | OPT | | OPT |
Delivery Tracking (Real Time) | | | | |
Mobile Call Function by app | | | | |
Notification System | | | | |
POD – Adding Document and Picture | | | | |
COD – Cash on Delivery | OPT | | | |
Requesting New Delivery Time and Changing Address | | | | |
Order Cancel / Return Function | | | | |
Problem Entry / Follow (Adding Notes) | | | | |
Goods Receiving / Inbound | | | | |
Delivery Status Check | | | | |
Filling Questionnaire | | | | |
Courier Service ( Domestic / International ) | OPT | OPT | OPT | OPT |
Windows, MacOS based | | | | |
Control Tower Management Platform | | | | |
Following Operation by Dashboards | | | | |
Order Entry to System – Automatic (Integration) / Manuel (Excel) | | | | |
Disposition – Manuel | | | | |
Supplier, Store, Inbound Management | | | | |
Informing Delivery time and Volume to Buyer | | | | |
Inbound Delivery Confirmation – Supplier Management | | | | |
Defining Default Status | | | | |
User & Password Management (Supplier, Inbound, Driver) | | | | |
Notification Management (E-Mail & SMS, Notification) | | | | |
Export Reports as PDF, XLS, XLSX file | | | | |
Report Searching & Filtering / Data Sorting & Column Management | | | | |
Creating Questionnaire | | | | |
Web Service API – Creating Tracking Page | | | | |
B2B Order Delivery Management | | | | |
B2C Order Delivery Management | | | | |
Business Intelligence – BI | OPT | OPT | OPT | OPT |
Vehicle / Driver Management | OPT | OPT | | OPT |
Courier Management | OPT | | | |
Courier Companies Integration | OPT | OPT | OPT | OPT |
ERP Integration | OPT | OPT | OPT | OPT |
WMS Integration | OPT | OPT | OPT | OPT |